Direct Deposit Features

Direct deposit saves you time! Forget waiting for your check to be delivered by mail, your money will be directly deposited into the Copper State Credit Union account of your choice.1

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Faster Access
Your money will be available right away on payday.
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Avoid Fraud
Eliminate the chance your check could be lost or stolen.
Save Time
Don't wait for your check to clear or worry about finding time to deposit your check.
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Manage Your Money
Create automatic transfers dividing your money into different accounts.
Direct Deposit Form
women couple on a laptop
Choose Your Account
Direct deposit your check into any Copper State account, excluding CDs and IRAs.

Ultimate Budget Plan

Ultimate Budget Plan to Save You Time and Free Your Money
Create a Simple Budget That Works For You!

Keep your monthly expenses on track with ease using our helpful eBook.

Included in the free eBook:
  1. What is a Zero Balance Budget Plan
  2. Find Your Financial Goals
  3. Before Starting Your Budget Plan
  4. Add Up Net Income
  5. Tally Spending [Expenses] and Categorize
  6. Quick Budget Plan Calculation 
  7. How to Make Monthly Budget Plan Adjustments 
  8. Mistakes to Avoid

Get your free copy now!


1Direct deposit can be set up for any Copper State Credit Union account except for CDs and IRAs.