Auto Loan Affordability Calculator

Time for a new vehicle? It's wise to start with what you can afford and not just what you want to drive. This calculator will show you the sweet spot between what you want and what you can afford.

To start, enter your preferred monthly payment, your down payment, the loan term you want and the interest rate you hope to get.

This coach/calculator is for informational purposes only and its use does not guarantee an extension of credit.

This Auto Be Easy. 

> New Car Loan, Who This? 🚘💨

Each year the average loan for a new vehicle increases. But, what what does that really mean? Read our blog What is an Auto Loan? 3 MVP Terms to Note to understand the basic definition and to make sure you're getting a good deal.

> Blinker Fluid Sold Separately. 🚗😎

Whether you’re thinking about getting a sports car for yourself or a van for the family, odds are you’ll probably need to secure a loan to pay for some of the cost. Regardless of what type of car buyer you are, read How to Buy a Car: 3 Simple Steps to a Competitive Car Loan.  This 3-step cheat sheet will prepare you on how to buy a car and secure new car loan. 

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