Member-owned and managed.

business man and business woman reviewing paperwork
This could be you!
Members over 18 years of age and in good standing are eligible to run for these positions.
Board of DirectorsBoard of Directors
Your credit union is governed by members who have been elected by the Copper State Credit Union membership to serve on the Board of Directors. Their role is to set policy, plan for the future, ensure our sound financial condition, review the Chief Executive Officer's progress in achieving goals and objectives and report to the members at the annual meeting.
Supervisory CommitteeSupervisory Committee
The Supervisory Committee safeguards Copper State Credit Union member assets by initiating ongoing internal and external annual audits. They periodically verify teller cash drawers, review policies and procedures, evaluate internal controls and financial position, ensure our compliance with consumer laws and regulations, as well as complete many other functions to be sure our credit union is operating correctly.
Elected by Our Members for Our Members

Here's what to expect as a Board member.

Elected by Copper State Credit Union member-owners, board members’ primary function is to set policy, plan Copper State Credit Union’s course, ensure its sound financial condition, keep communication open to educate members on services, hire and review the chief executive officer’s progress in achieving goals and objectives, and report to the members at the annual meeting. All activities shall comply with appropriate regulations and law. All decisions should be guided by the best interest of Copper State Credit Union members.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, please click below to learn more.

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The ideal candidate will:

  • Bring innovative insight

  • Think strategically

  • Be a visionary

  • Be a leader with experience

two men in a park with their dogs
Our Board believes in strengthening Arizona families through financial empowerment.
We are dedicated to helping members achieve financial goals through empowerment. Every family deserves the opportunity to achieve their own version of financial prosperity.
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