Family Above All Else

We Value Family

Family is the number one reason we come to work every day. Our member-families, the families in our communities, our own families and our work family all drive our mission forward with astounding passion.

Each family has unique financial goals and defines financial well-being differently. That's why we focus on creating financial strength by offering financial empowerment that's in alignment with your definition of success in achieving what financial prosperity means to your family.

It is our mission to enable our member-families to achieve financial prosperity.

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Images including all families.

Our Core Values

  • Family

    First and foremost, we value family. Our Copper State Credit Union family of employees, the member-families we serve and the families in our communities.

  • Empowerment

    We value empowerment. We strive to empower our members with financial education, knowledge and tools to help them reach their goals. We also strive to empower our employees, giving them the tools they need to reach their career and personal growth goals.

  • Discovery

    We value discovery. We embrace a culture of curiosity and innovation. We encourage our members along with our employees to be courageous and forthcoming with new ideas.

  • Excitement

    We value excitement. We aspire to make finances a positive and exciting experience for our member-families as well as our employees so everyone has a shared excitement to be part of our credit union.

  • Respect

    Finally, we value respect. We prioritize a respectful environment for our staff and an uplifting community for our members where all treat one another as equals. We purposely appreciate the unique value each person brings to our credit union by practicing collaboration, kindness and empathy.

two men in a park with their dogs
Strengthening Arizona Families Through Financial Empowerment
We are dedicated to helping you achieve your financial goals through empowerment. We recognize that not all families look the same and not everyone has the same idea of what financial success looks like. That's why we're here to help guide you, answer your questions and provide you with the resources you and your family need to achieve your own version of financial prosperity.
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Member-Owned And Managed

members planning the credit unions future
This Could Be You
Members over 18 years of age and in good standing are eligible to run for these positions.
Board of DirectorsBoard of Directors
Your credit union is governed by members who have been elected by the Copper State Credit Union membership to serve on the Board of Directors. Their role is to set policy, plan for the future, ensure our sound financial condition, review the Chief Executive Officer's progress in achieving goals and objectives and report to the members at the annual meeting.
Supervisory CommitteeSupervisory Committee
The Supervisory Committee safeguards Copper State Credit Union member assets by initiating ongoing internal and external annual audits. They periodically verify teller cash drawers, review policies and procedures, evaluate internal controls and financial position, ensure our compliance with consumer laws and regulations, as well as complete many other functions to be sure our credit union is operating correctly.
Growth, Opportunity, and Change

Our History Of Growth And Evolution

It's true, the only constant is change. Over the years we've remained agile and flexible with changing circumstances to ensure the continued growth and strength of our credit union.

Who we are today is the result of decades of evolution in the stories of five different credit unions coming together to form Copper State Credit Union.

The Formation of Copper State Credit Union

Copper State Credit Union was formed in 2020 as the result of a merger of two equally sized credit unions, Canyon State Credit Union and Deer Valley Credit Union. The merger of the two credit unions was proposed in April 2019 and approved in September 2019. In June 2020, Southwest Healthcare then merged with Canyon State Credit Union and Deer Valley Credit Union. In 2020, the new name and brand was developed, and we’ve proudly been Copper State Credit Union since.

The name, Copper State Credit Union, was chosen for many reasons. As it is our goal to strengthen Arizona families through financial empowerment, it made sense that our name included an element like copper.

Copper is a tough, strong metal. It symbolizes ongoing strength for our members. Copper is a metal that can be joined to create something bigger, longer and stronger just as the two Credit Unions joined to become stronger. Copper is a conductor of electricity and allows the current to flow without loss of effectiveness. We strive to be the conductor of financial education and knowledge for our members and the communities we serve. We believe knowledge is power.

Canyon State Credit Union:

Canyon State Credit Union is the result of a merger between SAFEQ and Grand Canyon State Credit Unions. Both were founded in 1951: SAFEQ to serve employees of the Arizona division of Safeway and Grand Canyon State to serve employees of the state of Arizona. Canyon State Credit Union and its predecessor credit unions have undergone many changes over the years.

Deer Valley Credit Union:

Honeywell’s Computer Division organized what would become Deer Valley Credit Union in April of 1971, in a two-room office, given to them by Honeywell. In addition to office space and supplies, Honeywell provided a $15,000 opening grant. At this time, Honeywell had over 8,000 employees, 1,800 of which were members by the end of its first year.

Southwest Healthcare Credit Union:

St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center Credit Union, Charter 106, was established in October 1967, and incorporated March 20, 1974. On July 12, 1983, a plan of merger was signed by officials of St. Joseph's Hospital, Humana Inc. (formerly Doctor's Hospital) Memorial Hospital, Phoenix General Hospital, and employees of various health care facilities. This was named St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center Credit Union.

On February 6, 1984, an amendment to the Certificate of Organization was approved by the State Banking Department and a name change was made to Southwest Health Care Credit Union.


Online Disclosures and Identity Info

Annual Reports

Click below to access our Annual Reports. These reports contains an overview of the credit union's financials along with accomplishments. 

2023 Annual Report

Important Account Disclosures

For your convenience, Copper State Credit Union provides a variety of disclosures online. Use the links below to view and print the disclosure information of interest to you. Feel free to contact us with any questions at 623.580.6000 or 800.224.3330.

USA Patriot Act

General Definitions
The words "you" and "your(s)" mean every person that signs any Account Application or is authorized to make transactions regarding your account(s), including any account service(s). "We," "us," or "our" means the credit union.

At Copper State Credit Union we recognize that our relationships with our members are based on trust. As a member, you trust us with your financial and other personal information, and we are committed to respecting your privacy and safeguarding that information. We pledge to protect your privacy by adhering to the practices described in this section.
On October 26, 2001, the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001" (USA PATRIOT act) was signed into law. This notice is to inform you of how it affects you and Copper State CU.
What is the USA PATRIOT Act?
The USA PATRIOT Act was enacted in response to the 9/11 terrorist acts. The intent is for banks, credit unions and other financial institutions to verify the identity of all people who do business with them. To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.

What information do you obtain and why?
To comply with the USA PATRIOT Act, Copper State CU is required to verify the identity of members applying for membership and opening new accounts or services. Information we are required to obtain includes name, mailing and residence address, tax identification number, date of birth and a copy of a government issued photo ID. Additional information may also be gathered depending on the type of account applied for or opened. Identification and information on existing members will be gathered as they open or use additional services offered by the credit union. The Act requires us to maintain records of the identification verification and to periodically update this information. Confidentiality of the information gathered and used by the credit union will be maintained as required under the Privacy Act.
How does this affect me?
When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver's license or other identifying documents. We will ask to verify your identification occasionally. This is a good safety precaution for you and an effective way for each of us to comply with the provisions of the Act.
I've been a member for years, why are you checking my identification?
We know it may seem odd to verify identification of someone we've known for years. However, to guarantee compliance with the Act, we ask that you show your identification when asked. The law was written so that all member identities are verified. This will not have to be done each time you visit a branch, but it will be done periodically.
What does the credit union do with our identification?
We are required to keep proof that we have verified your identification. We will keep a record that we are complying with the Act. Our member base is periodically checked against a list of known or suspected terrorists. This Act should have little or no effect on law-abiding citizens.

Cigna - Transparency in Coverage Rule

This link leads to the machine-readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.


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